Saturday, 1 November 2014

About Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

About Dawn of the Planet Of The Apes.

A movie, which will really touch your heart. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a really well directed movie by Matt Reeves I must say his best work so far. This movie will really keep you at the edge of your seat all the time. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a pure thriller and action movie,I admit.The movie had some very realistic facts, like all the apes were not really speaking English like us,very fluently. They were stopping and having problems while speaking the words they use were very easy and their grammar wasn’t so good either. If they were speaking really, good English the film would’ve be a great flop. Other than this fact,The people who came in jungle for help Malcolm, Ellie and Alexander were not perfect and really well dressed as well as their faces weren't washed and they were clean and tidy. They were given a makeup according to the circumstances they were suffering from. These little things really does matter for the audience like us.The important thing that made us like the movie was that apes looked very real, not  artificial although they were. Film also showed the power of the  leader which was Caesar and his control over apes. Other than all realistic facts, the movie had a very strong story-line with great acting by actors. The expressions were very good with realistic acting. There were many emotional parts also especially when Caesar goes to the house where he spent his childhood and watches the clips with Dr. Will Rodman. The ending was sad but a good one. Photography I shall say again was node out very realistic  and virtuous. The movie also gave us a lesson that war will destroy both of the sides and everyone follows the strongest one not weaker.There was only one thing which i didn't liked in the movie was apes using guns.That was quite inappropriate.I mean before they were using spears and now the guns.The movie was very good and strong altogether and realistic that for a second I thought I wasn’t watching a fiction movie and it has already happened. Honestly, I look forward to see it again and I should recommend you this movie. Once you watch it you will love it.I rate dawn of the planet of the apes:9.5/10 and 4.5 stars out of 5..




When Caesar goes with all of the apes to warn leftover humans.


Thursday, 9 October 2014

Why Would I Never Use Facebook?

If you ask me about the reviews of the most “famous” site “Facebook”, they would always come out in negative. Personally, I have never been a big fan of Facebook because it just makes me angry. Coming to the main subject now, why would I never use Facebook? First, I do not like the fact that personal privacy is revealed when you add someone from location to school to your workplace! Other than that, we cannot trust anyone, anyone can make fake id. It is not safe to be on Facebook because if your account is hacked, the hacker can track you.The pictures you upload,people get jealous of them and Photoshop them and then they become something else.Sometimes your friends can also become nuisance who always and you to like and comment on their pics.If you get addicted to Facebook,then you have just ruined your life! If a child or a teenager gets onto facebook so it'll definitely affect his/her's grades. When you add some who is embarrassing so some not welcome and awkward comments are there on your pics. Believe or not but there are a lot of fights between our friends and relatives cause of Facebook. A fact to add many teenagers have committed suicide because of the negative reviews by their friends on their pictures.These are some reasons I’ll never join Facebook!

Thank You,
Don’t forget to add your reviews.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Just Smile....

I always wonder that why do people response to the ones who are saying ruthless things about them, trolling them? I would not do that, honestly. I will control my anger and stay serene. I would just “Smile” at them. Why would I smile? I would because if I answer back that will make the situation worst. Other than that, it will give them impression that “It does matter to me.” Moreover, “I do care what you say and I am going to work on that.”

 Moreover, Joel Osteen quotes:-

“A lot of people dump, poison, anger, resentment and criticism. Do not take it personally. Just smile, wave and wish them all well.”

You should really think of this quote. Try to ignore them and be yourself!

Do not forget to add your reviews….
